One Piece 636 Spoiler Immagini

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    " K o n g "

    BKM * Boss


    OP_636_Spoiler_hitsuke_01 OP_636_Spoiler_hitsuke_02

    first half
    coverart: Drun island Sakura Kingdom peacekeeper squad (Dolton and the Rapans are shown. The Rapan rabbits are soldiers)
    Luffy asks Surume to protect the princess
    Daruma uses his move to make a trap (hole in the ground) and Brachiotank gets stuck in it
    Franky came to rescue it, but he and his bike falls in the trap too
    Usopp, Chopper, Nami gets out of the tank, and it combines and transforms with the bike into Iron Pirates General Franky
    Vegapunk's dream was realized by Franky using the Wapometal
    Nami's new move Sorcery Klima-tact (Small weatherballs appear from the klima-tact and created a gush of wind)
    Usopp also fights with the green star. Bamboo Javelin!
    Daruma digs in the ground creating holes all over the plaza, but Chopper can also dig the ground and move around
    He can transform into six different forms without even using the Rumble balls.

    Hody orders Surume to squeeze Shirahoshi to death. It seems he managed to put Surume under his control by threatening to kill his brother.
    Surume is troubled, and cannot make up his mind. He's thinking about Luffy's words "Let me protect that too!"
    Luffy heads to Hody. Ikaros and Dossun tries to stop them, but Zoro and Sanji blows the two away
    Hody is distracted for a second, and Luffy lands an attack!
    Luffy: I'm getting riled up!

    Finally... the ark of Noah came flying.
    Neptune: That ark must not be moved until the fated day comes!!!
    (Noah is not supposed to be moved until the day comes when it's supposed to?)


    T wonders if Noah is related to the ancient weapons.

    some clarification by the other poster who posted literally seconds before T

    - coverart, Dolton and the Rapan soldiers are reading newspaper
    - Nami's new move is Gust Sword
    - Chopper stops Daruma underground using Horn Poiont. He looks nothing like the one before
    Of the seven forms he has, he can transform into six of them without the use of rumble balls
    Chopper: I'm an impertinent monster!
    Chopper vs Daruma

    Luffy: You were obeying him to protect your brother? Let me protect him too!
    Zoro vs Dosun
    Sanji vs Ikaros

    Luffy is pissed, and kicks Hody! Hody cannot see Luffy's motion.

    Oh god Hody. You're sooooooooooo screwed.

    Translation by Google:
    Prima Metà
    Rufy chiede a Surume di proteggere la principessa.
    Daruma crea una trappola, e Franky ci cade dentro.
    Usopp, Chopper, Nami aiutano Franky ad uscire dalla fossa.
    Nami usa una nuova mossa: Clima-Tatto!
    Usopp usa la stella verde: Javelin bambù!
    Daruma crea fosse nel terreno, ma Chopper può trasformarsi in 6 forme diverse senza usare le Rumble Ball!

    Hody ordina a Surume di uccidere Shirahoshi, ma Surume pensa alle parole di Rufy.

    Rufy è incazzato nero xD e prende a calci Hody, senza che lui manco se ne accorge (stile dragonball ahaha). O.o

0 replies since 24/8/2011, 11:38   117 views